The “million mile marriage”
We are so excited to finally get this project off the ground! Ever since we got married in 2013 we have been keeping journals and notes on our phones with ideas, memories, lessons and stories from our travels. Some of these stories come from international trips, and others are from a trip to a local winery or even to the store. Since day one, we have always tried to be intentional about making everything we do an adventure… or rather, to be mindful that life itself is an adventure and we can choose to embrace the journey.
In writing this blog, we are hoping to take these old notes and memories and turn them in to readable posts. We have also shared a lot of our tricks and tips that we’ve picked up along the way to friends and family. We hope to pass along some of this information as well. I hope that you, dear reader, will engage with us and share feedback on what things you want to hear about.
While we are not specifically aiming to travel 1,000,000 miles as a married couple, we also don’t plan to stop at any point either. Our focus is to just keep on exploring!
Here are some of our goals for this blog:
- Tell some of the stories about our travels: Simply that… storytelling. Nothing ever goes the way you plan it, which means there should always be a good story to tell
- Travel tips and tricks including: packing strategies, how we find cheap flights/lodging, how we find where to stay, and what to do, and other little hacks we’ve unearthed
- Lessons learned from those experiences and how we have applied them to our everyday life, especially in our relationship. Basically “how to travel well as a couple” and also “how travel has taught us to live well together”
- Challenges we’ve faced in life and how we’ve handled/are trying to handle them.
- Highlight ways we find adventure in day to day life and share a lot of our favorite spots around Colorado.
- Share other things that we might find interesting or amusing at any given time.
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Lord of the Rings”
– Kevin & Melissa

I love this! You both are precious!!